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New Year…..New Venture Reality!

Updated: May 3, 2024

I have been contemplating this blog for some time now and the way it should be going! Reading other artist ‘Blogs’ I see that most are informative…along the lines of ‘how a pet portrait works’, and ‘what materials I use’. That type of thing! I’m told that’s what Google wants! But I don’t want to get lost in the rehashing of other peoples post material…I’d like something more real!

But then if I go more ‘real’ it has the possibility of becoming too negative, as real life can sometimes seem! So, a careful balance must be maintained, always leveling any ‘not so pretty thoughts’ up with lots of positivity! Isn’t that the way real life should be?

Firstly though, I must confess that I am no ‘professional author!’ When someone said to me “You have to Blog…it’s good for your website! Keeping in touch with people and all that!” I froze! I haven’t written more than a shopping list in years! Could I even write a cohesive paragraph anymore I asked myself? What do I write about that people would find interesting? So, to get some practice I started a morning journal.

To keep it special I bought a nice quality journal and I write with fountain pens. I love colour...I change the colour of the ink daily! Nothing that anyone else would ever see…...only my thoughts. Negative as they can sometimes be! And I started to learn. Sometimes just reading back and realising that what you have written isn’t that encouraging can prompt you to create ‘happier’ thoughts! Force you to think about alternative attitudes and approaches to problems! Different ways to look at things! Glass half full instead of half empty!

I tried finding some ‘AI’ to help me! That’s the way to go nowadays everyone said! But I’ve tried using it and it tends to feel 'not real! ...... ‘plasticky! Or is that just the way I use it…maybe poorly? So, from this you might have the first clue that I am a bit of a technophobe! I am not young, and I am by no means saying that only ‘young’ people can understand technology! But for me? I just don’t want it to overtake my life! I’m happy for it to be there in the background…helping!

Hopefully, if you’re reading this, and you haven’t come to the conclusion that you’ve subscribed to a mad artist rambling on. And you would still like to read more in the future? My intention is that each blog brings you a sprinkling of Google's required ‘educational content’ together with some down-to-earth life events and my sometimes chaotic thoughts!

So down to the real business…the real blogging!


I’m not sure how many of you are aware that I finally took the plunge on August 23, after being a kitchen designer for 27 years, to be fully self-employed as a pet portrait artist. Whilst I got that side of things up and running, I hoped to do some dog walking to earn a little more , while at the same time living off some savings! At this time my husband was still working but I wanted my ‘business’ to stand up in it’s own right!

I had hoped that once I had more time to create, I would be able to bring in more commissions! My first wrong assumption! I also used my now available weekends to do Craft Fairs…. spreading the word in the local vicinity! And whilst I met some great people that had lots of lovely encouraging words for me. It really didn’t bring in much extra work! My second wrong assumption! I sold quite a few Christmas cards but no prints!

I did manage to sell one Gift Voucher…thank you so much Mike! But I must say that having the chance to talk to so many lovely people, with such positive things to say about my work, was the most marvellous confidence booster! But. After 5 months of Craft fairs, I found that I had lost money, and that wasn’t even taking into account my time, standing in village halls every weekend! The conclusion I have come to though, is that I miss doing the Fairs so Lesson no 1 is ......I need to pick and choose my Craft Fair locations.

So! At the moment I’m still battling to make a living! Can I blame it on the ‘recession’ that is happening? Could be happening? Might have happened? (Take your pick on that one!) But I am choosing to say “It’s all a learning curve! “ and.  I have lots to learn! It’s definitely not all negative! I am doing what I love drawing your pets for you and walking dogs!


I am still glad that I took the plunge to be self employed and I WILL find a way to make it work!

Subscribe to my website and you will be able to follow me on this journey!

Who knows….it may inspire some of you to follow your dreams!


Lynda x





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